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#hong kong

Panowie sie tylko trykneli...
Halman • 2024-03-04, 19:02

a będzie juz tylko gorzej...
Najlepszy komentarz (39 piw)
GrubyKleks • 2024-03-04, 19:21
wiadoma że jak masz stłuczke na autostradzie to nie zjerzdżasz na bok tylko zostajesz na środku, logiczne

swoich produktów to może mieć tylko chińczyk...
Najlepszy komentarz (29 piw)
Halman • 2022-06-18, 13:50
Ogórek napisał/a:

A gdzie filmik z dolu wieżowca ????

takie coś jeszcze znalazłem, pasuje?
Według źródła policja intensywnie poszukuje napastnika. W spojlerze zdjęcie po. Źródło

ukryta treść

ukryta treść
Police say man in his 70s sustained facial injuries after he was attacked at Pacific Place shopping centre

Video shared on social media shows male suspect repeatedly stomping on victim’s head and chest

Hong Kong police are searching for a male suspect in connection with an assault on an elderly man at an upscale shopping centre in Admiralty on Wednesday night.

A force spokeswoman said the victim, who was in his 70s, sustained injuries to his face in the attack that took place on the third floor of Pacific Place at 8.13pm.

A video shared on social media showed the assailant lifting the man from a bench and putting him in a headlock.

The attacker forced the victim to the ground and repeatedly stomped on his head and chest before walking away.

The man was found lying in a pool of blood next to the bench when first responders arrived at the scene.

“He was unconscious and was rushed to Queen Mary Hospital. No arrests have been made,” the spokeswoman said, adding no other information was currently available.
The case has been classified as a wounding and an investigation was under way.
Idiota w Porsche
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-01-12, 18:46
Dzisiejsza akcja z Hong Kongu. W spojlerze nagranie z drugiej kamery. Źródło.

ukryta treść

Katany z Hong Kongu
T3RMINATOR • 2021-01-09, 14:45
Koleś zaatakowany przez bandytów z katanami. Ok 20 sek

Najlepszy komentarz (22 piw)
remi1982 • 2021-01-09, 15:32
Katany? To kurwa nawet obok katan nawet nie stało. To jakieś cepy do zboża młócenia.